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56° North launches new General Election Advisory Board

  • General election
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2024 continues to be a year of profound political turbulence, as the UK’s main political parties lay out their respective stalls ahead of the general election. Our new General Election Advisory Board is here to guide you through.

Whatever the timing of polling day, the need for business to engage on strategic policy and regulatory issues remains acute. A fast-moving political environment, with likely changes in many of – if not all – the key players in government, demands additional insight and analysis.

That’s why we at 56° North have launched our General Election Advisory Board.

Formed of some of the brightest and best across Westminster, Whitehall, and Holyrood, our advisory board are in place to give clients an edge as they seek to understand, engage, and shape decision-making.

The panel supplements a unique blend of senior and cross-party expertise in general elections in the 56º North Partner and Director team.

Our panel

Eddie Barnes – Former senior aide to the then Scottish Conservative leader, Ruth Davidson; director of Strategy and Communications for the Scottish Conservative party

Kezia Dugdale – Former leader of the Scottish Labour Party who guided her party through three elections and the EU referendum

Liz Lloyd – Former chief of staff to then First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon; specialist partner at Flint Global

Jimmy McLoughlin – Business Director at 10 Downing Street under two Conservative Prime Ministers

Pamela Nash – Former Labour MP and serving Chief Executive of Scotland in Union

Phil Wilson – Former Labour Member of Parliament for Sedgefield for 13 years in government and opposition

56° North team members working on the general election project include:

Arron Gatley – Long-serving Chief of Staff to Conservative Minister George Freeman MP and advisor on political communication and policy

Gavin Shuker – Three-time elected MP from 2010-19 for a ‘bellwether seat’, serving on the Labour front bench as Shadow Environment, and International Development minister

Fiona Stanton – Worked at a senior level for Labour in power and in opposition with five different Labour leaders and at six general elections

A year of activity

Our Board are on hand to offer interactive briefing sessions, tailored for boards and senior leadership teams to help them to sharpen their public affairs strategies. These sessions bring to the fore practical insight from those who know best the pitfalls and opportunities brought about through the changing makeup of the House of Commons.

They’ll also feature in regular 56° North panel events and provide policy and regulatory analysis for our clients.

The election campaign and beyond

During the election campaign proper, our General Election Advisory Board will feature on weekly calls for 56° North clients; and our first 100-day programme looks at the likely changing business, policy and regulatory environment as a new government beds in.

We’ll provide actionable intelligence from the fallout of the election. We’ll also include analysis of the debate in the unsuccessful parties as they seek to form a cohesive opposition.

An unparalleled opportunity

56° Partner and former Member of Parliament Gavin Shuker is available to discuss the Advisory Panel with any potential client – and give advice on how best to access their insight. With a deep bench to select from, there’s likely to be a good chance to meet the exacting requirements of businesses and organisations as they shape their public affairs strategies ahead of the election.

To set up an initial meeting, email

Image: Pixabay

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