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John Lewis in the 1980s
  • Business

The High Street is dead, long live the High Street.

Cast your mind back to 1989 — The Simpsons had just hit the small screen, Timothy Dalton’s short time as James Bond was coming to an end with Licence to Kill and, most importantly, John Lewis opened the doors of its flagship store in Aberdeen for the first time.

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  • Business

Hindsight, foresight, or in plain sight — a story of how the little guy can win

It’s the late autumn of 2005, and the Stockholm School of Economics is hosting its annual entrepreneurship competition. Student start-ups from the university’s incubator SSE Business Lab will be pitching their ideas to a judging panel and, in proper Dragons’ Den-fashion, receive a verdict, feedback — and, hopefully, capital.

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Nicola Sturgeon and Patrick Harvie
  • Politics

For richer, for poorer. Till death do us part?

Cooperation agreements between political parties may be a bit like a marriage but as we know, half of all marriages end in divorce.

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Deflated blow-up Earth ball
  • News

Earth Overshoot Day, can corporate social responsibility hit the target?

At some point later in the year, you might sit down to enjoy a nice burger or make a quick stop to fill your car with petrol or even splash out and buy some fruit that is out of season. Well done — you’ve just added to the increasing ‘debt’ of climate change.

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Wind turbines out at sea
  • News

All at sea – is climate change a losing battle?

Exploring public understanding of what we can do in the fight against climate change. Expert Opinion – Tom Clarkson, Director, Blue Marble Research

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A can of Brewdog Punk IPA
  • Business

How to avoid a corporate hangover

Back when I was a journalist, I was asked to take part in a panel judging regional companies for a start-up award. There were four finalists and one of them was a small brewery in Fraserburgh called Brewdog.

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